Taylor Fry General Insurance Seminar Prize

A Taylor Fry a Silver or Gold prize may be awarded for a paper submitted to the 2014 General Insurance Seminar.

The Silver Award ($2,500) will be made to the author(s) of a paper considered by the judging panel to have:

  • effected significant advance in the profession's understanding or knowledge of a specific subject or sphere of knowledge or;
  • collected or presented existing material in such a way as to raise the awareness of the profession regarding an important contemporary issue.

The Gold Award ($4,000) will be made to the author(s) of a paper considered by the judging panel to have achieved both of the following:

  • quality sufficient for the Silver Award;
  • significant theoretical, methodological, or analytical advance.

The analytical advance need not be completely original but, if not, should be novel to the actuarial mainstream.

The judging panel is to award a prize only if the subject paper is considered sufficiently meritorious. It need not make any award in relation to a particular seminar.