About us

The Actuaries Institute is the body that represents the Australian actuarial profession. It members, operating mainly within the financial services sector, utilise their strong financial and risk management skills to support the sustainability of financial service providers and protect the interests of their customers.

The Institute has formed a COVID-19 Working Group, comprising over 80 actuaries to assist our members, the public and policymakers better understand the potential implications of the pandemic. The Working Group has four focus areas:

  1. Helping professionals and society understand what is happening by analysing and explaining the models and data that are tracking and predicting the pandemic’s impacts.
  2. Maintaining a Resource Centre that is a repository for timely, relevant material that will assist actuaries to support their companies to manage and mitigate the impacts of the pandemic.
  3. Providing technical and policy insights that can inform the deliberations of  major policy makers; Government, Treasury and regulators.
  4. Liaising with international actuarial bodies to ensure we are sharing research and experiences to facilitate a better understanding of COVID-19

COVID-19 Working Group Members

Jennifer Lang
Oliver Wood
Jeff Humphries
Douglas Isles
Ian Laughlin
Boards & Regulators
Julia Lessing
Social Security & Projections
Daniel Longden
Andrew Matthews
Paul Nuttall
Content and Banking
Estelle Pearson
General Insurance
Michael Rice
Retirement Incomes
Fred Rowley
International Liaison
Shami Shearer
New Zealand
Peter Yeates
Vanessa Beenders
Actuaries Institute

Public Policy

The Actuaries Institute utilises the profession’s insights and expertise in financial risk management to provide comment on relevant public policy issues.

Viewed by policy‑makers as non‑partisan thought‑leaders and trusted advisors, we bring our evaluation of risk and opportunity to areas ranging from retirement incomes, general insurance, life insurance and wealth management to energy, the environment and health financing.

We strive to act in the public interest and our contributions are guided by the principles of transparency, a ‘level playing field’ and good regulation.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Michelle Innis 
P&L Corporate Communications 
M +61 (0) 414 999 693
P +61 (0) 2 9231 5411