As an actuary you are already well-equipped to deal with risk. How can history, psychology, applied philosophy and ethics help you make better decisions in the face of strategic risk? Attend the 2015 CPD Roadshow, presented by Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Executive Director, St James Ethics Centre and gain an enriched approach to the way you think about and manage risk.

We all see the elephant in the room, but don’t want to name it. What about the tiger in the room? It’s unseen and can present a serious strategic risk. How do you approach decision-making in the face of strategic risk? Do the systems, policies and structures we bring to bear to manage explicit risk, actually give rise to unseen systemic risk when people lose the capacity to make responsible decisions?

Drawing insights from history, psychology, applied philosophy and ethics, Dr Longstaff will offer fundamental insights into the nature of risk in human affairs. The session will include:

  • an introduction to the ‘universal grammar’ of human choice – the ultimate determinant of how the world comes to be the way it is;
  • how bad decisions have had a strategic effect throughout history;
  • an examination of key factors, such as ‘ethical literacy’ that leaders must address if they are to manage risk in general; and
  • a look at the systemic risk that arises from an over-reliance on the tools of regulation and surveillance.

This session will enrich how you approach day-to-day decision-making in the face of strategic risk.

In 2015, the roadshow was held in Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra.

Later in the year, the roadshow also headed over to Asia and New Zealand.

View the presentation.

Simon Longstaff AO

Dr Longstaff is a philosopher – reading for his doctorate at Magdalene College in Cambridge – and Executive Director of the St James Ethics Centre. His distinguished career includes being named as one of the AFR Boss True Leaders for the first decade of the 21st century with Carol Schwartz noting “…I don’t know one CEO or Chairman in corporate Australia who has not worked with Simon Longstaff…”

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