Actuarial Sprint - an app for actuarial students

Actuarial Sprint is aspirational, challenging and it’s for elite students.  It provides you with information, media and videos tailored to your interests.  You can find out about actuarial roles and available jobs as well as watch actuaries talking about the profession and why they love it.  You can also join discussions and connect with other actuarial students.  If you are an aspiring Actuary and currently studying, this app is for you.

What's going on

Get news, updates and media tailored to your interests.

Hear from Actuaries

Why they chose this profession, what they do and why they love it.

Get connected

Join the conversation. Chat to your peers and working actuaries.

Your app

Quickly set your profile to only see what matters to you.


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See the app in action

Watch the video below to see a brief run through of the app, from signing up to viewing content.