Subjects and Syllabus

The Fellowship Program comprises three half-year online modules. You complete one subject from each Module. Under the Transition Arrangements some Part III subjects from the previous program syllabus can count as modules for the new Fellowship Program.

Module 1: You can choose one of four options

Module 2: You can choose one of four options

Module 3: You can choose one of the following subjects after you have completed or attempted Module 1 and 2.


Some Module 3 subjects in the new Fellowship Program have prerequisites (students must have sat the subject but not necessarily have passed the assessment), as follows:

  • Life Insurance Applications (Prerequisites: Life Insurance and Retirement Valuation, and Life Insurance and Retirement Product Development).
  • Retirement Applications (Prerequisite: Life Insurance and Retirement Product Development).
  • General Insurance Applications (Prerequisites: General Insurance Valuation, and General Insurance Product Development).
  • Data Analytics Applications (Prerequisites: Two Fellowship ‘principles’ (Module 1 and 2) subjects, knowledge of the Data Analytics Principles subject syllabus and a basic understanding of Python  –  see here for more information).

It is important you check the course descriptions to ensure your Module 1 and 2 choices line up with your Module 3 preferences.

Transition Arrangements

Depending on when you start the Actuaries Education Program (but more often if you are in the Fellowship Program) you may be affected by Transition Arrangements. To help plan your study, refer to the Transition Arrangements and to Phased Introduction of New Fellowship Program Subjects.